Carbon Electronics
NC State to host FPi15 Conference
NC State will host the 15th International Symposium on Functional π-Electron Systems June 17 – 21, 2023.
Two Carbon Electronics Cluster Members Named to Highly Cited List
The cluster, part of the Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program, is also adding two new members in January.
Carbon Electronics Cluster Opens New Facility at NC State
NC State inaugurated a new carbon electronics laboratory on Nov. 18, formally launching a state-of-the-art facility that is bringing together scientists and engineers across the university to do cutting-edge work in this emerging field. The 6,000-square-foot facility for the Organic and Carbon Electronics Labs (ORaCEL), housed in the Partners III building on Centennial Campus, is equipped…
Carbon Electronics and the Future of Technology
Over the past year, NC State has positioned itself to take the lead in the emerging field of carbon electronics, thanks in large part to NC State’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering’s (MSE’s) research expertise and facilities.
Researchers Make the First Flexible Memory Device Using Oxide Ferroelectric Material
For the first time, researchers have been able to deposit an ultra-thin oxide ferroelectric film onto a flexible polymer substrate. The research team used the flexible ferroelectric thin films to make non-volatile memory devices that are wearable and resilient.