
Nov 27, 2018  |  Bioinformatics

Virtual Library of 1 Million New Macrolide Scaffolds Could Help Speed Drug Discovery

New virtual library of 1 million macrolide scaffolds could speed antibiotic, anti-cancer drug discovery

Nov 13, 2018  |  Geospatial Analytics

Military Students Choose MGIST for Career Training in Geospatial Intelligence

The Center for Geospatial Analytics’ MGIST ranks second only to NC State’s MBA as the graduate program with the most military enrollment across the university.

Nov 10, 2018  |  Environmental Health Science

Researchers Identify Promising Proteins for Diagnostic, Prognostic Use in ALS

Researchers have identified proteins that may be useful in both earlier diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and in more accurate disease prognosis.

Nov 1, 2018  |  Bioinformatics

Building Better Predictions from Polls

Inaccurate 2016 election predictions weren’t due to shy voters or flawed surveys, but to excessive averaging over multiple polls. An NC State statistician proposes a better model.

Oct 22, 2018  |  Bioinformatics

NC State Library: Where Hair Product Researchers Go to Dye

NC State researchers use dye library to find new and safer hair-coloring products.

Oct 17, 2018  |  Geospatial Analytics

Enhancing the Online Learning Experience

Stacy Supak specializes in online learning and teaches half of the credit hours at the Center for Geospatial Analytics. As a DELTA Faculty Fellow, she will investigate how experiences in online courses influence student success.

Oct 10, 2018  |  Modeling the Living Embryo

Groundbreaking Genetic Expression Research Receives Funding

The project aims to create genetically encoded tools to describe, control and track when and how strongly genes are expressed by epigenomes in living cells.

Sep 26, 2018  |  Global Environmental Change and Human Well-Being

Sunflower Pollen Has Medicinal, Protective Effects on Bees

If you’re looking to keep bees healthy from harmful pathogens, it might be time to call in the sunflowers.

Sep 10, 2018  |  Synthetic and Systems Biology

Computer Model Reveals Effect of Increased Cholesterol on Specific Ion Channel in Heart

Researchers use computer model to reveal interaction between cholesterol, ion channel involved in regulating heart’s potassium levels.

Sep 6, 2018  |  Genetic Engineering and Society

‘Changing the Landscape of Graduate Education’

NC State’s AgBioFEWS program to blend natural and social sciences to train next-generation problem-solvers in agricultural biotechnology.